Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help you?Installing The Plugin
How do I manually install the CallRouter plugin?
What should I do if the plugin upload fails?
What are the minimum requirements to install CallRouter?
How do I configure CallRouter after installation?
What steps should I take if another plugin conflicts with CallRouter?
How do I contact support if i need help?
Twilio API Keys
Where can I find my Twilio API keys?
How do I add my Twilio API keys to the CallRouter plugin?
Are there any security considerations when entering my Twilio API keys?
What permissions are required for the CallRouter plugin to function properly?
What should I do if I'm experiencing issues with connecting to Twilio's API?
OpenAI API Keys
How do I obtain OpenAI API keys?
Where do I enter my OpenAI API keys in the CallRouter plugin?
What security measures should I consider when handling OpenAI API keys?
What should I do if my AI assistant feature isn’t working as expected?
General FAQs
Who can access the CallRouter admin section?
What roles have access to the CallRouter dashboard?
How do I assign someone the CallRouter role?
What permissions does the CallRouter role have?
What happens if someone without the appropriate role tries to access the CallRouter sections?
What if a user should no longer have access to the CallRouter functionalities?